Matariki is a legend of the pleiades star system able to be seen at dawn making the maori new year. Celebrating wisdom and skills with food that was gathered is how the Maori people recognise Matariki. Our hub is learning new skills. What is matariki?
I was in poi making for rotation. You need to have yarn filling white plastic bags then you have to do a braiding a plait. Then squashing the filling and cut away the plastic bag carefully from the braid.
Firstly, you get your favorite colors for your wool then you need to have to get some yarn and one plastic bag. Then you get same sizers then you cut carefully so you dont cart the wool.
I am going to tell you what matariki is.Matariki is a maori legend and tells us to be safe and all of the histories been passed.Matariki is celebrated every year and is maori new year.