Sir Francis Drake was a famous explorer. He sailed around the world and defeated the Spanish armada.
Francis Drake was born around 1540-1544 in England and he died January 28 1596 . He travelled in a ship around the world. He found his home living and working on ships.
The king of Spain, king Philip invaded France Germany and The Netherlands.In 1588 he wanted to invade England. Spain had 120 ships full of Spanish and European soldiers (forced to fight by the Spanish). Their strategy was to shoot all the canons at the English ships then board them and fight on the decks.
Sir Francis Drake, who was now 44 and worked for Queen Elizabeth the first, commandeered l80 slow ships. He also built 25 extra sleeker faster ships with different guns.These only had sailors on board,no fighters. Their strategy was to shoot lots of times below the waterline,they never got close enough to be boarded.They chased the Spanish and they battled around England and Scotland,Ireland and won the Spanish armada.
Sir Francis drake died age of 55 of infected diarrhoea he was buried at sea in a lead coffin of the cost of Puerto Bella, Panama.
Great job Ethan! I love all the words you used all the info and told us how he died.Keep up the good work!